Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Family update

hi guys. Well it's time for another family update. Sharon and i are in the middle of BIG plans for Christmas 2007 at FRC. We work with some of the best, most creative, crazy, inspired, not right people that you could ever imagine! This year is going to be A Retro Christmas. Pretty cool stuff considering the timing of it all. Newsweek mag just had 1968 the year that changed everything on their latest edition, Tom Brokaw just wrote a book about growing up in the 60's and retro seems to be creeping around the corner everywhere you look, or is that just because I've been to our new Ikea 1 too many times!?! That happens when your wife's the Design director at a Retro-type church(i really don't know what that means-i was just on a role!). Erwin Mcmanus is always given credit to be the church's futurist but i've always said that TDG can take him anyday! Oh well, back to the update.

Our little Lorna(side note: Lauren's great-grandmother DiStefano accidently called her Lorna and it stuck-mystery solved!) is a full member now of Phi Sigma Sigma. She really has found a home with these girls. We got to spend some groovy time with her big sis Mich. She came to FRC and we had lunch afterwards. Very cool girl. It's also cool that Lauren can have a "big sister," which that priviledge has never been physcally possible! Brit is havin a blast in drama. She's also landed her first job(cue the herald trumpets, go on the timpani roll!) She's currently employed at Caffe' Di Amore'. Did you hear my french accent! They cater partys with gourmet coffee and chocalate fountains-hmmm. She's lovin it. Imagine, Brit in the people serving business. It's kinda like Batman meeting Robin, peanut butter meeting jelly, the Lone Ranger meeting-i'm sure you get it. It's a fit! Our Jen Jen is making the big adjustment in her fist year in HS and the grades and everything else is a-movin on up. She loooooves music, FRC and of course her family. Her Mama just helped make her a brunette-looks pretty cool. Hope that catches you up. Remember...sometimes the greatest gift is the one you already have-Rock strong-Allen


SmilingSally said...

One of my favorite gifts was you--given to me one New Year's Eve!

SmilingSally said...

One of my favorite gifts was you--given to me one New Year's Eve!

all day (allen d) said...

Ahhh-thanks Mom-very sweet!