Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Drink from the fountain of leadership

I wish you could've been there. Maybe you were. last night at our staff mtg Pastor TDG truly represented. He totally brought us closer to our god-potential while reaching his. The big takeaway of the night??? Drum roll please...

Your success in ministry is determined by how you deal with the attacks.

This is one of those things I've ALWAYS believed. It's just so cool to hear it put so succinctly(that word's for you bro!). Other takeaways...

Who have i recruited to lead and not do? Wow!

Leadership has an expiration date so we have to evaluate(i'm slappin myself 5!)

Ministry is lonely so let people in-strong.

Gold i tell ya, pure gold. I must stop because i'm beginning to drown! I know this may seem like a total suck up to our beloved Pastor, but give me a break. It's like each time we get together God begins to do a new thing. Thank you Pastor Troy for listening to God. Thank you staff and friends for being willing to grow and be challenged and thank You God for allowing us to be the stewards of this overwhelming vision-50-100-150! Rock strong-Allen


SmilingSally said...

You're excitement is palpable!

SmilingSally said...

Oops! I MEANT your excitement is palpable!

the designer said...

Great blog. The meeting was amazing. This is the hardest job we will ever love and be excited to be a part of. Thanks Troy for leading us with passion and wisdom.

the designer said...

Great blog. The meeting was amazing. This is the hardest job we will ever love and be excited to be a part of. Thanks Troy for leading us with passion and wisdom.