Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Happy birthday Brittany Marie

Well here we go again. Another bday for the gurlies! Brittany Marie turns 17. Yes i know i just graduated from PBA 5 years ago so there must be some explanation. My, my how time flies. We celebrated her special day with the fam on Monday. Interesting side note, her cousin Zachary, my sister Debi's oldest boy shares the same b'day. He's 15. Just got his drivers restricted today-whew-hooo! Arghhh, that's a good boy arghhh(inside pirate joke).

I am a very blessed man to get to experience raising my family in one place, at one church all of these 18 years. It is a blessing i thank God for often. Take time today to thank the One who created you for some cool blessing in your life. There are many to choose from. Rock strong.


1 comment:

SmilingSally said...

What a nice tribute to Zachary! I guess it's about time for us "old uns" to stay off the road!