Thursday, October 11, 2007


hey guys. I've been on this planet for 42 plus years and through that time I've discovered that I have some sayings that I live by. This is a random list of some of those sayings...

everything has a place
deal with the negative, dwell on the positive
sometimes there's nothing better than eating fast food fast(i don't live by this saying anymore!)
All day
hip to the ways of young people
why not?
let's do it
Mama sita
is this sustainable?
let's cook the chicken
"Carry on" is the rock anthem of ALL time
digame mucho
here's the plan
the pendulum ALWAYS swings back and forth
Q-where are we going? i don't know, but we're on our way!
don't let 'em hold you hostage
you gotta do what ¥ou gotta do
see ya!
ustedes sapasando por la entrada white seahorse!
Bingo!(nah, that's Heredes-embrace the word bro!)
TCB lightning bolt(salute to the King of rock and roll)
howdy, howdy

Hope this was helpful-Rock strong(oh yeah, that's another one!)


@heredes said...

Hey bro ... love the list - I've heard you say 90% of those already - just stay away from BINGO ! ;)

SmilingSally said...

Give credit where credit's due; I taught you the first on the list!

all day (allen d) said...

that's true Mom

all day (allen d) said...

you got it bro!