I love axioms. Here's the definition:An established principle in some art or science that is universally received. One of my all time favorites that I was sharing after my workout with some friends at Starbucks sipping my Venti agua con hielo(ice water) is...drum roll...Deal with the negative and dwell on the positive. A lot of times we get this reversed, deal with the positive and dwell on the negative. We already live in a very negative society and I would imagine God knows this. That's why He's given us these words:Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise(Philippians 4:8). What's one positive thing you like to DWELL on.
This is Brit leading in worship at our Lima campus. That same day Lauren helped lead at our Cooper city campus and Jenna helped lead in our Cooper city student campus. Go Gurls! Check out Gar's blog for more on the Lima trip.
I am a follower of Jesus Christ, a husband to Sharon lee, a dad to Lauren, Brittany and Jenna, I'm a pastor at Grace Family Church and we have a cool dachshund named Pedi