Sunday, December 7, 2008

Get captured by the Revolution

Our family is totally loving the Here's some pics of Brit and the crew. It has enabled us as a church to reach people that we normally wouldn't have had contact. Here's 4 examples:
1. We had a 1 hour and 15 min Student Rally at Ronald Reagan high school(where our Doral campus meets) during regular school hours with over 500 seniors!
2. Our Doral Student ministry purchased(with there own money!) a bunch of Publix gift cards and handed them out at Publix and helped carry out groceries and gather up carts!
3. Brit organized, with the Principal, a hot chocolate give away day at her high school, Cypress Bay(which is the 2nd largest HS in FL!) and gave away a ton of Hot chocolate and giftrev cards.
4. Our family has bought coffees, meals, groceries,christmas trees, given away purses,clothing etc. It has truly revolutionized the way we view Christmas!

1 comment:

SmilingSally said...

You're changing more than the way your family views Christmas; you're affecting people of South Florida with these random acts of kindness!